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New :: Year

Maybe I’m like you, or you’re like me, or however it goes. Maybe you and I both get oober excited about the new things and New Year’s Resolutions! True confessions: every year I make a list of projects I want to accomplish, places I want to go, events I want to plan, and I always get a planner book so that I stay on track and stick to the calendar. You see, I love to have fun, all-year-long, so sometimes I get just a little carried away with having fun. If I keep a ledger for myself then I’ll remember that in the Spring I need to clean the house and not travel every weekend, or I’ll remember that I have to save money for my beach trip and not spend that money on a new seasonal wardrobe. The calendar keeps me structured and focused. Otherwise, I might end up on a cruise to the Bahamas in February on a whim ;P

As Baby E gets older and a set routine suits her better, I have a little more freedom to do the essentials like take a shower, make the bed, eat a meal, make a phone call. You know, the mom life. It’s extraordinary how the ordinary becomes extraordinary 😉 So, I’ve created a little weekly routine for myself so that I’ll remember the pertinent tasks and so that I won’t try to overdo in my spare time. It goes like this:

Monday – Meal Planning/Bake Bread

Tuesday – Clean (every other Laundry)/Yoga

HUMP DAY – Blog (YAY! regular posts!)

Thursday – Pottery

Friday – Grocery

Saturday – Visiting/Events

Sunday – Church/Napping

Certainly any of this is subject to change, but I like to have a general idea of when and what to do. {Note: I started this post four hours ago, and I’ve been interrupted multiple times by baby, husband, mother, meals, dogs, etc. That’s LIFE.}


In addition to daily life goals, my husband and I have been mulling over our project goals for 2016. We bought the house this past summer. Then we had a baby at the end of the summer. And we lived in the NICU for six weeks. We’re FINALLY somewhat settled and ready to organize.

The house is 100 years old, fairly recently renovated, basic and small, and has 15 acres surrounding it. Have we signed up for a bit of work, or what? But that’s okay, Manly & I love projects! That’s why one of my main blog categories is Homestead; we have big ideas and a few reasonable plans to make this our very own Bluebird Haven 🙂 So stay on the lookout for project posts and more about homesteading! We’re looking forward to painting linoleum floors, laying down a stone pathway to the house, putting up shelves, installing a fence, and hopefully more!


So, are you like me, looking forward to what could be and coming up with creative ideas for daily living? Have you made a list for your new year? Trips to exotic places, big birthday parties, books to devour, moments to capture? Whatever the list or no list, I hope you’re looking forward to ALL the possibilities, great and small, and that whatever may come your way you’ll make the most of it.

Happy New Year!

Signature- BB Mama


In the hands of the potter,

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