
Thank you for visiting Bleubird Earthen! The purpose of my blog is to share about the beauty of life lived in the country, the sincerity of marriage & family, the things we have traversed after our daughter’s death, and to share about the processes & passions of my work as a Potter.

If you have experienced loss or trauma or grief, I am grieved for you and my prayers are with you. I hope you will find things here that assist you in your own journey, and I hope you feel free to contact me with your questions. I don’t hold all the answers to “why” or “what next,” but I am willing to listen & empathize and give you resources if I am able. I pray that in your suffering you will be comforted by God’s mercy & tenderness even in the darkest of places.

If you are seeking information about my earthenware, please refer to my shop in the top right of the main blog page. I am a small batch potter and each piece is one-of-a-kind. If there is a particular type of pot you are looking for, please sign up for monthly email updates about what’s available in my shop.

Thank you!
grace & mercy,