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DIY: Plywood Painting

Two years ago when we were planning our wedding, I really wanted to have a personal painting displayed for our guests to sign. My original intent was to paint this design. Alas, I ran out of time due to my bridal haze and due to investing more energy in preparing our new abode.

But, several months later, the plywood board that I swiped at Lowes for $6 became the inspiration for another abode project.

While staring at the wood square and trying to imagine other possible potentials, I noticed that the grains and shades formed a picture. My imagination is quite vivid, and it seems in my dreams that I am drawn to places. I am always drawn to calm, serene places. What I envisioned in the wood was the sunset over the ocean…

I started messing around with acrylics and water to create a stain wash. I didn’t sand or prime this plywood piece; I just wiped and pressed the stain onto the raw wood grain, which required several coats.

Great ideas come to me gradually and then its a gradual process of bringing those great ideas to fruition. This project probably took a year for me to complete. It’s obviously not complex, and I could have done it in a day’s time. But I wasn’t sure if I’d like it. If I’m not sure something’s worth doing, I’d rather experiment with other projects. That’s what I did for a while till Ian finally asked me if I’d ever finish the painting…

Fine. I’ll finish it.

So I did.

And then I liked it much more than I thought I would. That has given me the confidence to make a similar piece for a friend.

Here are the results of my first plywood acrylic wash, which is now hung in my office/studio…


In the hands of the potter,

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