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Together: In the Storm

Many of you, my friends, are petitioning God for relief at this juncture in your life. Maybe you’ve lost another child, maybe you’re in the hospital with a serious illness, maybe you’re alone and lonely, maybe you doubt your marriage will be restored, maybe you don’t know how to escape from your abuser.

My friend, I am praying for you today. Fervently, continually, faithfully, passionately. I have been to very dark places in my journey with Jesus. Have you heard of the book Hind’s Feet in High Places? I love that little book. I read it as a teenager and cried my way through the allegory. Much-Afraid’s journey is much like my own…

When I wonder about life, when I am tempted to despair, when I question God’s choices, when I feel overwhelmed- I envision myself walking on the beach with God. By His side, watching His pierced feet press into the sand, reaching out to hold His hand as He reaches for mine, sensing His understanding as I walk with my head down and heart full of questions. When Heidi was gone and I sat in that emergency room – though the ground had come out from underneath me – I said to God with my broken soul held out in both hands, “We’ve been through a lot together, You and I. We’ll get through this. I don’t know how. But You’ll be here like You always have been. And I’m just gonna walk with You while the stormy seas rage….”

When we are torn and battered and bruised, we go into survival mode and we disconnect -in a way- from our surroundings. That’s ok for a time. However deep we have to go into our minds, the recesses of our hearts, may we find comfort that Jesus is there, even that low and even that dark. He is not afraid to go there with us. He never walks away from us.

Here’s an excerpt from a devotional – Book of Hope – I read today that spurred on what I’ve shared above…

…the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning that cannot be expressed in words… the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will (Romans 8:26-27). We were profoundly aware of our utter dependence upon God, our powerlessness to change our situation, and our desperation to see God work… his prayers are not passionless or impersonal. He prays for us with deep groanings that reflect his understanding and identification with our need. He prays for us with deep devotion and perfect articulation when we have no words-only tears and questions. When we wonder if heaven hears our cries, the Holy Spirit is pleading on our behalf in a language heaven hears and understands and responds to, because the Holy Spirit’s prayers are in complete harmony with God’s plans and purposes for us. -Nancy Guthrie

Wherever you are, whatever your pain, you are NOT alone. He is with you. He is for you. He is passionate for your freedom. He is more than able to use your pain for greater good.

When my husband and I had no words, we listened to music. One night Manly turned up the radio so loud the walls of our little house shook, and he fell on his knees claiming and shouting God’s truth into the cold dusk, raising His hands in desperate need. Brother Jesus used moments like that to increase our faith and to minister to our battered souls. Our circumstance did not change and the pain still cut like a knife, but our hearts were lifted even then and we knew that He would sustain us no matter what.



Signature- BB Mama

In the hands of the potter,

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