Homestead, Projects, Recipes
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October: the 15th

Today is “National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Day.” Today, like every day, we thank God for our precious Heidi Lee. We deeply mourn her absence as well as gratefully rejoice her presence with the Saints.


This October day has been like most days here at Bluebird Haven. We’ve been working on our various projects around the house…

I am not doing the knitting for this project *sigh*. I don’t have nimble fingers for this sort of thing though I do love to knit when I have the time to focus on it. My knitting-machine friend over at Slouch Babies (check out her Facebook page!) is going to use these two skeins to make a cap, sweater, and leggings for EveyBaby. I had originally ordered these colors from Knit Picks last year as an “art and grief” project for myself, since I’d used lavender gray for Heidi’s nursery. Everley will get to sport her big sister’s style 😉

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We started off our day making faces with Little Hiccup.

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Her project of late has obviously been GROWING! She is getting stronger and happier and sweeter every day.

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She changes overnight it seems. It’s hard to believe today is her due date. She is now officially 40 weeks and looks wonderful for a baby who was born at 32 weeks!

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Another project we had today was setting up that red butcher’s block, you see there. Manly’s mother and aunt gifted us that for extra storage in our tiny farmhouse kitchen.

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That mishmash on the stove is a scrumptious fall recipe. I’m finally up and cooking again post c-section recovery.

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Here’s the recipe book for that sausage apple meal. It’s super easy and quick, and this is by far one of my favorite cook books!

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Took a pic of it just in case you wanna try it out yourself ;P

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EveyBaby’s other project the past few days has been self-soothing. Since she’s getting older she’s also becoming more aware of her surroundings, which means she can be fussy for longer periods of time. While I whisked away at dinner she tried her best to stay occupied and drift off for a nap.

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Fall family meal! I love evenings like this.


Manly’s project today was working on the burn pile. Our property had become quite overgrown before we bought it, so we are steadily tearing down brush and trees to clear the land.

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The last part of our day is giving baby girl a bath so that she settles down for bed. She’s had a difficult time staying asleep recently, so the pediatrician suggested we try bath play, which does tire her out and cozy her up for nursing.

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That is the summary of our October 15th, projects and all. If you were remembering and missing your sweet baby today I pray you are finding comfort in the everyday moments of life, the mundane and the sacred.

Signature- BB Mama

In the hands of the potter,

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